Military Strategy Magazine - Volume 8, Issue 1

Volume 8, Issue 1, Summer 2022 26 University Press, 1986); Brian Linn, Elvis’s Army: ColdWar GI’s and the Atomic Battlefield (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016). [xxi] Outlines of the debate captured in Mark Trachtenberg, “Strategic Thought in America, 1952-1966,” American Political Science Review Vol. 104, No. 2 (Summer 1989) 301:334. [xxii] For example, see William J. Broad, “The Smaller Bombs That Could Turn Ukraine into a Nuclear Battlefield,” New York Times, March 21, 2022. [xxiii] Concepts emerged several years ago under the rubric of theAir Sea Battle. The next iterationwas addressed inMichael E. Hutchens, William D. Dries, Jason C. Perdew, Vincent D. Bryant, and Kerry E. Moores, “Joint Concept for Access and Maneuver in the Global Commons: A New Joint Operational Concept,” Joint Forces Quarterly 84 (1st Quarter 2017) 134:139; Kenneth J. Braithwaite, Secretary of the Navy, Advantage at Sea: Prevailing with Integrated All Domain Naval Power (Department of Navy, Washington, DC: December 2020). Flexible Response and Integrated Deterrence at Sea in the 21st Century: Implications for the U.S. Navy James A. Russell