Volume 8, Issue 3
Winter 2022
Does Artificial Intelligence Change the Nature of War?
Baptiste Alloui-Cros
The nature of war, as an innately human endeavour, has mostly been thought of as timeless and unchanging. Yet, the rise of Artificial Intelligence, on the battlefield just as in our decision-making process, seems to challenge this assumption. This article explores what this contention entails and suggests that, far from altering the nature of war, AI underlines what is at its core: psychology and passions.
ReadGreat in Theory: Does the U.S. Need a New Strategic Paradigm?
Joe McGiffin
Military theory is the framework which shapes and drives the strategy of every nation, though its abstract nature often leaves it overlooked. This article studies the military theory underpinning the current U.S. strategic framework to identify potential weaknesses and offer alternatives. This paper finds that the United States relies on a flawed understanding of Revolutions in Military Affairs (RMA) theory and suggests that correcting its misperception would drive more effective use of technological innovation toward achieving political goals.
ReadTurnaround Bundeswehr: What Money Cannot Buy
Imke Magdalena Kügele
After Russian forces invaded Ukraine, German Chancellor Scholz decided that it was necessary to invest more in security. Within weeks, the German Parliament passed a law to establish a special fund for the German Armed Forces, the Bundeswehr. But money alone will not improve the Bundeswehr. German politics and the Bundeswehr need to improve their civil-military relations, and this is something money cannot buy. Increased funding must be accompanied by a broad discussion of what the money's for, and what role German society expects their armed forces to play within NATO and European security institutions.
ReadOn Two Antecedent Principles of War
John Biszko
This article argues that there are cognitive theoretical principles that come before applying the traditional principles of war. The article defines 'interpretation' and 'anticipation', arguing that by recognizing the antecedent importance of applying theories of war and anticipating future events, grand strategists can better apply traditional principles, such as 'concentration', and more likely win the peace.
ReadQuantum Principles
Dante K. Earle
This article explores the connection between quantum mechanics and military theory by identifying areas where three traditionally western principles of war (Simplicity, Economy of Force, and Objective) either express or discount subatomic realities. Viewing a more globalized and technological operating environment through quantum theory draws new attention to the value of emerging technology and political aptitude in determining an operational approach.
ReadBecause War Matters: The Communications Problem in Strategic Studies
Phillip Dolitsky
This essay seeks to explore the chasm that exists between strategic studies and the general public. If strategic studies holds war and the threat of war as the most pressing and influential force on history, those outside the discipline are prone to hold war and war studies in utter contempt. By placing much of the burden at the feet of those working within the field, this essay seeks to explore ways to make strategic studies and the messages we wish to convey to the public more accessible in the contemporary climate.