David Betz

Dr. David J Betz BA, MA (Carleton) PhD (Glasgow) joined the Department of War Studies, King’s College London after completing his PhD in 2002. His research interests are insurgency and counterinsurgency, information warfare and cyber war, propaganda, as well as civil-military relations and strategy. Betz is head of the Insurgency Research Group and was the academic director of the War Studies Online MA program for its first five years. He also leads a 2-year U.S. Department of Defense Minerva-funded project on ‘Strategy and the Network Society’. Beyond the Department of War Studies, Betz is also a Senior Fellow of the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI). He has advised and worked with the Ministry of Defence (UK) and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) on strategic issues, counterinsurgency and stabilization doctrine, and cyberspace and cyber strategy. He also lectures abroad (United States, Israel and Italy) as well as in the UK at the Defence Academy to the Advanced and Intermediate Command and Staff.
(2012) “Clausewitz and Connectivity”, Infinity Journal, Volume 3, Issue No. 1, Winter, 2012, pages 4-9.
(2011) with Tim Stevens, ‘Cyberspace and the State’, Routledge for the International Institute for Strategic Studies, London
(2011) ‘Failure to Communicate: “Producing the War in Afghanistan’, in David Richards and Greg Mills, eds. Victory Among People, RUSI Books, London
(2011) ‘Cyberspace and Insurgency’, in Isabelle Duyvesteyn and Paul Rich, eds. Handbook of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency, Routledge, London
(2011) “‘Cyberwar’ is not coming”, Infinity Journal, Volume 1, Issue No. 3, Summer 2011, pages 21-24.
(2009) ‘Insurgency and Counterinsurgency’, in Robert Denemark, ed., International Studies Compendium, Blackwell, London.
(2009) ‘Hot War, Cold Comfort: A Less Optimistic Take on the British Military in Afghanistan’ RUSI Journal
(2009) with Christopher Ankersen, ‘Three Blocks, Two Towers, One Trend: Civil-Military Cooperation Before and After 9/11’ in Matthew J. Morgan, The Impact of 9/11 on Arts, Entertainment, and the Media: The Day That Changed Everything? Palgrave Macmillan, London, 177-87.
(2009) with Anthony Cormack, ‘Iraq, Afghanistan and British Strategy’, Orbis 53 (2), 319-336.
(2008) with Neville Bolt, Propaganda of the Deed 2008: Understanding the Phenomenon, RUSI Whitehall Paper, London.
(2008) ‘The Virtual Dimension of Contemporary Insurgency and Counterinsurgency’, Small Wars and Insurgencies 19 (4), 513–543.
(2008) ‘The RMA and Military Operations Other Than War: A Swift Sword That Cuts Both Ways’, in Bernard Loo (ed), Military Transformation and Strategy, Routledge, London, 114-128.
(2007) ‘Redesigning Land Forces for Wars Amongst the People’, Contemporary Security Policy 28 (2), 221-43.
(2006) ‘The More You Know, the Less You Understand: The Problem with Information Warfare’, The Journal of Strategic Studies 29 (3), 505-534.
(2006) ‘Information in the Western Way of Warfare’, Pacific Focus XXI (2), 197-231.
Civil-Military Relations in Russia and Eastern Europe, Routledge, London, 2004.
(2003) ‘The False Dawn of Russian Military Reform’, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (May), 45-53.
(2003) ‘A New Day for the Russian Army? Contrasting Military Reform Under Yeltsin and Putin’, in Roger N. McDermott and Anne C. Aldis (eds.), Russian Military Reform, 1992-2002, Frank Cass, London & Portland, OR, 41-60.
(2002) ‘No Place for a Civilian?: Russian Defense Management from Yeltsin to Putin’, Armed Forces and Society 28 (3), 481-504.
(2002) ‘Civil-Military Relations in Post-Soviet Russia: Rebuilding the Battle Order?’ and ‘Civil-Military Relations in the Czech Republic: Ambivalent Reformers, Immature Structures’ in Harald von Riekhoff and Natalie Mychajlyszyn (eds.), The Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, pp. 159-189.
(2001) Army and State in Post-Communist Europe, Frank Cass, London and Portland, OR.