Editorial Advisory Panel
Ron Tira

Colonel Ron Tira (Res.) is the author of The Nature of War: Conflicting Paradigms and Israeli Military Effectiveness as well as other books and publications. Currently a businessman and a reservist at the Israel Air Force’s Campaign Planning Department, Tira is a former fighter pilot with over 35 years of experience in airpower, intelligence and special operations. He regularly contributes publications to the Tel Aviv-based Institute for National Security Studies and he is a contributor to all major Israeli newspapers. Tira also published at Hoover Institute, IFRI, War on the Rocks, Infinity Journal, and other publications.
- Forming an Israeli Policy Toward Syria; Yediot Aharonot Publishing; Tel Aviv; 2000;
- The Nature of War – Conflicting Paradigms and Israeli Military Effectiveness; Sussex Academic Press; Brighton/Portland/Vancouver; 2009;
- The Struggle over the Nature of War; Institute for National Security Studies ("INSS")[i]; Tel Aviv; 2008;
- The Limitations of Standoff Firepower-Based Operations; INSS; Tel Aviv; 2007;
Other Publications (Partial List)
- Joint article with Gideon Saar, Political and Military Contours of the Next Conflict with Hezbollah, INSS, Strategic Assessment, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2017;
- Can Iran be Deterred?; Policy Review, no. 169, Hoover Institution; Stanford University; 2011;
- The Future Middle East Strategic Balance. Conventional and Unconventional Sources of Instability; IFRI (Institut Français des Relations Internationales), Proliferation Papers, September 2016;
- Developing a Doctrine for Cyberwarfare in the Conventional Campaign, INSS, Cyber, Intelligence, and Security, Volume 2, No. 1, May 2018;
- The US Cyberattack on Iran: The Campaign-Level and Strategic Dimensions; INSS, Insight No. 1191, July 10, 2019;
- Israeli Strategy in Response to Changes in the Syrian Arena, INSS, Insight No. 1131, January 22, 2019;
- The Competition between Middle East Powers: Expeditionary Bases and Non-State Proxies; INSS, Strategic Assessment, Volume 21, No. 1, April 2018
- D-Day+1: Strategies for the Day after an Attack on Iran; INSS, Strategic Assessment, Vol. 15, No. 4, January 2013;
- Israeli Strategy for What Follows the Sykes-Picot Era; INSS, Strategic Assessment, Vol. 18, No. 1, April 2015;
- Is Iran in Strategic Equilibrium?; INSS, Strategic Assessment, Vol. 18, No. 4, January 2016;
- Israel’s Second War Doctrine; INSS, Strategic Assessment; Vol. 19, No. 2, July 2016;
- Shifting Tectonic Plates: Basic Assumptions on the Peace Process Revisited; INSS, Strategic Assessment; Volume 12, No. 1; June 2009;
- A Military Attack on Iran? Considerations for Israeli Decision Making; INSS, Strategic Assessment; Volume 13, No. 1; July 2010;
- The United States in the Middle East: An Exercise in Self-Defeat; INSS; Strategic Assessment; Volume 14, No. 1; April 2011;
- The Breakup of Israel’s Strategic Puzzle; INSS; Strategic Assessment; Volume 14, No. 3; October 2011;
- Operation Protective Edge: Ends, Ways and Means and the Distinct Context, Infinity Journal, IJ Exclusive, September 2014;
- The Jordan Valley in an Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement; INSS; Strategic Assessment; Volume 17, No. 1; April 2014;
- Yes They Can: The US Can Prevent Iran from Acquiring the A-Bomb, Infinity Journal, IJ Exclusive, May 2012;
- Does the U.S.’s War on the Islamic State Make Sense?, Infinity Journal, IJ Exclusive, October 2016.