Nathan K. Finney
Nathan K. Finney is an officer in the U.S. Army, currently serving as a Goodpaster Scholar and pursuing a doctorate in history at Duke University. He is the co-editor and an author of Redefining the Modern Military: The Intersection of Profession and Ethics and On Strategy: A Primer, which will be published in late summer 2020.
Nathan is also a term member at the Council on Foreign Relations; a Non-Resident Fellow at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute; a former Non-Resident Fellow at the Modern War Institute at West Point; the creator, co-founder, and first Executive Director of the non-profit organization The Strategy Bridge; a founder and former board member of the Military Writers Guild; founder and first Managing Director of the Military Fellowship at the Project on International Peace & Security; and a founding board member of the Defense Entrepreneurs Forum.
Nathan holds master’s degrees in Public Administration from Harvard University and the University of Kansas, as well as a bachelor of arts in Anthropology from the University of Arizona.
You can find Nathan on Twitter @NKFinney.
- The Human Terrain Team Handbook, Government Printing Office, September 2008.
- Commander’s Handbook: Employing a Human Terrain Team, Center for Army Lessons Learned, March 2009.
- Personal Theories of Power: The Bridge-CIMSEC Compendium, editor, The Strategy Bridge, June 2014.
- Mission Command in the 21st Century: Empowering to Win in a Complex World, editor, the Army University Press and The Strategy Bridge, April 2016.
- Military Leadership in the 21st Century: The Bridge Compendium, editor, The Strategy Bridge, May 2016.
- Redefining the Modern Military: The Intersection of Profession and Ethics, editor, United States Naval Institute Press, 15 October 2018.
- On Strategy: A Primer, editor and chapter author (forthcoming).
- “Unity of Effort: A Culture of Cooperation and the Cooperation of Cultural Systems,” Armor and Cavalry Journal, January/February 2009.
- “Human Terrain Support to Current Operations,” Infantry Magazine, March/April 2009.
- “Developing Foreign Security Forces In the Era of Persistent Conflict,” Army Magazine, January 2010.
- “A Culture of Inclusion: Defense, Diplomacy, and Development as a Modern American Foreign Policy,”Small Wars Journal, 26 September 2010.
- “Building Police Capacity in Afghanistan: The Challenges of a Multilateral Approach,” PRISM, Volume 2, Number 1, November 2010.
- “Security, Capacity, and Literacy,” Military Review, January/February 2011.
- “Building the Security Force that Won’t Leave,” Joint Forces Quarterly, July 2011.
- “Developing a Sustainable Security Force,” Canadian Military Journal, July 2011.
- “Helping the Afghans Help Themselves,” Proceedings, July 2011.
- “Austere Challenge 2009: Exercising Unity of Effort,” Armor and Cavalry Journal, July/August 2011.
- “The Army Ethic, Public Trust, and the Profession of Arms,” Military Review, September 2011.
- “Doctrine at the Speed of War: A 21st Century Paradigm for Army Knowledge,” Army Magazine, March 2011.
- “Why Operational Access Is No Revolution,” Rethinking Security, 3 April 2012.
- “Using Technology to Train America’s Decisive Force,” Army Magazine, May 2012.
- “Advisors: Creating a Strategic Effect or Political Window Dressing?,” Kabul Cable, 21 September 2012.
- "Air-Sea Battle as a Military Contribution to Strategy Development," Infinity Journal, 31 October 2012.
- "Preventing Mass Atrocities in Sub-Saharan Africa through Strategic Engagement," Military Review, 1 November 2012.
- "Values and National Security: The Value of an Education in Power," Diplomatic Courier, 19 January 2013.
- "Constructive Disruption: The Defense Entrepreneurs Forum," Small Wars Journal, 5 April 2013.
- "Fostering Military Entrepreneurs," Armed Forces Journal, 25 August 2013.
- "Using the Threat of Violence to Contain Syria: An External Approach," Infinity Journal, Volume 3, Issue No. 3, Summer 2013, pages 13-16.
- "Why the Defense Entrepreneurs Forum Matters: Peripheral Networks & Innovation," War on the Rocks, 21 October 2013.
- "Out of Balance: Rebalancing Access and Overcoming Denial," The Journal of Military Operations, 20 January 2014.
- "On 'US Options in Syria'," Parameters, January 2014.
- "Relativity and Negotiation: Core Elements of a General Theory of Strategy," Infinity Journal, The Strategy Bridge Special Edition, March 2014, pages 22-25.
- "An Attack Comes Home: A Reflection," The Citizen, 28 April 2014.
- "The Defense Entrepreneurs Forum: Developing a Culture of Innovation," Military Review, July-August 2014, pages 44-49.
- "How to Discover Defense Innovation," War on the Rocks, 16 October 2014.
- "The Long Gray Online," Cicero Magazine, 25 November 2014.
- "Preparing Soldiers for Uncertainty," Military Review, Jan-Feb 2015.
- "After Regime Change: Dunsinane as a Window into War and Warfare," Asides, February 2015.
- "2026: Operation Iranian Freedom," The Bridge, August 2015.
- "Land Power: More than Simply the Element of Decision," Infinity Journal, Volume 5, Issue 1, Fall 2015, pages 30-32.
- "Consequences of Fear: Callousness," Consequence Magazine, March 2016.
- "The Myth of Russian Aggression and NATO Expansion," The Bridge, December 2016.
- "A High-Tech Call to Arms: Mobilizing the Masses in the Twenty-First Century," The Modern War Institute, 3 February 2017.
- "Fresh thinking to deal with ‘not quite wars’ (part 1)," The Strategist, 20 July 2017.
- "Fresh thinking to deal with ‘not quite wars’ (part 2)," The Strategist, 14 September 2017.
- "Integration in warfare," The Strategist, 11 September 2017.
- "AI wanted on ground to protect and attack," The Australian, 1 December 2017; also found at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
- "Whither the Hover Tank: Why We Can't Predict the Future of Warfare," Modern War Institute, 12 June 2018.