Editorial Advisory Panel

Lukas Milevski

Lukas Milevski

Lukas Milevski is a (tenured) assistant professor at Leiden University, where he teaches strategic studies in the BA International Studies and MA International Relations programmes, as well as a non-resident fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.  He has published widely on strategy, including two books with Oxford University Press: The Evolution of Modern Grand Strategic Thought (2016) and The West’s East: Contemporary Baltic Defense in Strategic Perspective (2018).  He completed his PhD in 2014 at the University of Reading with Colin Gray.




Rietumu austrumi: mūsdienu Baltijas aizsardzība no stratēģiskā viedokļa. (Riga: Jumava 2019).


The West’s East: Contemporary Baltic Defense in Strategic Perspective.  (New York: Oxford UP 2018).


The Evolution of Modern Grand Strategic Thought.  (Oxford: Oxford UP 2016).




Grand Strategy is Attrition: The Logic of Integrating Various Forms of Power in Conflict.  (Carlisle: US Army War College Press 2019).


Book Chapters




“What to Expect of the Strategist: Can Strategy be Mastered?” in Donovan C. Chau (ed).  Strategy Matters…Essays in Honor of Colin S. Gray.  (Maxwell: Air University Press 2022), 177-198.




“Liddell Hart’s Impact on the Study of Grand Strategy” in Thierry Balzacq and Ronald R. Krebs (eds).  The Oxford Handbook of Grand Strategy.  (Oxford: Oxford UP 2021), 73-88.


“The Emotions of Adversarial Interaction” in Robert Johnson, Martijn Kitzen, and Tim Sweys (eds).  The Conduct of War in the 21st Century: Kinetic, Connected and Synthetic. (London: Routledge 2021), 279-292.




“Variable Heroism: Landpower in US Grand Strategy since 9/11” in Jason Warren (ed).  Landpower in the Long War: Projecting Force after 9/11.  (Lexington: UP of Kentucky 2019), 15-31.


Journal Articles



“Manoeuvre Warfare in the Baltic: Political Imperatives and Tactical Conditions”, RUSI Journal, forthcoming .


“When Does Gray Zone Confrontation End? A Conceptual Analysis”, Joint Force Quarterly 112 (January 2024), 4-11.


“The Primitivisation of Major Warfare”, Survival 65/6 (2023), 119-136.


“What Makes a Good Strategic Concept?”, Comparative Strategy 42/5 (September 2023), 718-728.


“Clausewitz at the Nexus of Competing Fashions”, Journal of Strategic Studies 46/4 “Fads and Fashions in Strategic Studies” special issue (2023), 787-808.


“Western Strategy’s Two Logics: Diverging Interpretations”, Journal of Strategic Studies 46/1 (2023), 180-206.


“The US contribution to the security of NATO’s Eastern flank: from the Madrid Summit to Vilnius”, Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review 41 (2022), 18-21.


“Russian Logistics and Forward Urban Defense in the Baltic States”, Military Review (November-December 2022), 130-139.


“Conceptual Resilience versus Social Utility in Strategic Thinking”, RUSI Journal 167/2 (2022), 62-70.


“Russia’s Escalation Management and a Baltic Nuclear Weapon Free Zone”, Orbis 66/1 (Winter 2022), 95-110.


“The Grand Strategic Thought of Colin S. Gray”, Parameters 51/4 (Winter 2021), 81-94.


“Strategic Sense in the Writing and Reading of History”, Military Strategy 7/3 (Summer 2021), 4-8.


“Colin S. Gray, Deterrence, and Contingency”, Comparative Strategy 40/2 (2021), 145-149.


With Chiara Libiseller.  “War and Peace: Reaffirming the Distinction”, Survival 63/1 (February-March 2021), 101-112.


“The Mirage of Post-Clausewitzianism: Understanding War and Politics on the Frontier of Clausewitzian Thought”, Military Strategy Special Issue The Continuing Relevance of Clausewitz (December 2020), 16-20.


“Battle and its Emotional Effect in War Termination”, Comparative Strategy 39/6 (2020), 535-548.


“Modern Liberal Wars, Illiberal Allies, and Peace as the Failure of Policy”, Defense & Security Analysis 36/3 (September 2020), 300-313.


“Enunciating Strategy: How to Talk about Strategy Effectively”, Military Strategy 7/1 (Spring 2020), 18-25.


“Sanctuary, Honor, and War Termination: Considerations for Strategy in Baltic Defense”, Orbis 64/1 (Winter 2020), 150-160.


“Scenarios for Baltic Defense: What to Prepare Against”, Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review 17 (2019), 197-210.


“La Fiabilité des Engagements de Défense de L’OTAN envers Les Pays Baltes”, Stratégique 121-122 (2019/1-2), 347-359.


“The Strategic Response to Ambiguity”, Orbis 63/3 (Summer 2019), 376-390.


“The Idea of Genius in Clausewitz and Sun Tzu”, Comparative Strategy 38/2 (2019), 139-149.


“Choosing Strategy: Meaning, Significance, Context”, Infinity Journal 6/2 (Summer 2018), 12-16.


“Prospective Strategy for Baltic Defense: The Russian Public and War Termination in the Baltic States”, Military Review (January-February 2018), 58-70.


“NATO’s Defence Policy Dilemma in the Baltic States”, Security and Defence Quarterly 14/1 (2017), 51-68.


“Can Grand Strategy be Mastered?”, Infinity Journal 5/4 (Summer 2017), 33-36.


“Respecting Strategic Agency: On the Categorization of War in Strategy”, Joint Force Quarterly 86 (July 2017), 35-40.


“The Nature of Strategy Versus the Character of War”, Comparative Strategy 35/5 (December 2016), 438-446.


“Problems of Strategy in Wars of Honor”, Infinity Journal 5/3 (Fall 2016), 15-20.


“Making Sense of Strategy's Relational Nature”, New Strategist 1/1 (2016), 9-19.


“Can Diplomacy Counter the Weight of Strategy?”, Border Crossing 1/10 (April 2016), 8-11.


“Strategy and the Intervening Concept of Operational Art”, Infinity Journal 4/3 (Winter 2015), 17-22.


“Deterring Able Archer: Comments Arising from Adamsky’s Lessons for Deterrence Theory and Practice”, Journal of Strategic Studies 37/6-7 (December 2014), 1050-1065.


“Asymmetry is Strategy, Strategy is Asymmetry”, Joint Force Quarterly 75 (October 2014), 77-83.  Republished by the International Relations and Security Network, October 27, 2014, http://www.isn.ethz.ch/Digital-Library/Articles/Detail/?lng=en&id=184816.


“Grand Strategy and Operational Art: Companion Concepts and Their Implications for Strategy”, Comparative Strategy 33/4 (September 2014), 342-353.


“Strategy Versus Statecraft in Crimea”, Parameters 44/2 (Summer 2014), 23-33.


“Strategy and Cyberpower: From Tactics to Politics”, Infinity Journal 3/2 (Spring 2013), 18-21.


“The Mythology of Grand Strategy”, Infinity Journal 3/1 (Winter 2013), 29-33.  Reprinted in Infinity Journal special edition War and Strategy: Back to Basics (December 2013), 34-38.


“Whence Derives Predictability in Strategy?”, Infinity Journal 2/4 (Autumn 2012), 4-7.


“Fortissimus Inter Pares: The Utility of Landpower in Grand Strategy”, Parameters 42/2 (Summer 2012), 6-15.  Reprinted in USI Digest 15/29 (September 2012-February 2013), 30-42.


“Revisiting J.C. Wylie’s Dichotomy of Strategy: The Effects of Sequential and Cumulative Patterns of Operations”, Journal of Strategic Studies 35/2 (April 2012), 223-242.


“Transforming Counterinsurgent Strategy: Using the Topography of Intelligence”, Infinity Journal 2/1 (Winter 2011), 21-24.


“Stuxnet and Strategy: A Special Operation in Cyberspace?” Joint Force Quarterly 63 (October 2011), 64-69.  Reprinted in USI Digest 14/27 (September 2011-February 2012), 54-65.


“A Collective Failure of Grand Strategy: The West’s Unintended Wars of Choice”, RUSI Journal 156/1 (February 2011), 30-33.


“Baltic Prudence or Paranoia?” RUSI Newsbrief 30/5 (September 2010), 6-7.